Meet InSite Team member Teresa and her take on going to Calais

For the upcoming trip to Calais, I’m most excited to help volunteers at the kitchen who have dedicated their lives to contribute to Europe’s current refugee crisis- some as extreme as quitting their jobs to become full-time helpers. This experience will be a way in which I can directly help the crisis through seeing and living the way individuals have taken charge to help when there was little to no government support. This hands-on impact will be influential to my knowledge of the crisis because I will be able to see the direct impact of people who have taken personal responsibility and ownership of a crisis to lead a community of displaced people.

I think it would be beneficial if more Europeans took ownership to the problem at hand through first-person involvement, rather than singularly relying on information portrayed in the media centers such as the news and facebook. Through interpersonal interactions and contributions we could not only grasp a well-rounded knowledge of crises such as this, but also change them in a meaningful way.

We'll check in with Teresa after the weekend and hear how this experience challenged her. 


Interview done by Hayley Johnson.